Adding Colors to your Routine Outcome Measures

Adding Colors to your Routine Outcome Measures

Step 1: Go to Settings the click Account Settings

Step 2: Click on the Codes & Metrics Tab on the left-hand side then click Routine Outcome Measures

Step 3: Click Add New Routine Outcome Measure

Step 4: You will be directed to Create Routine Outcome Measure and then type a new description into the box to add it to the system

Step 5: Click on Color to access the color palette, where you can choose the color for the new description

Step 6: Once you've entered the description and chosen a color, click the Save Routine Outcome Measure button to complete the creation process

Step 7: After saving, your created Routine Outcome Measure will be visible in the list along with its status and a download option.

Step 8: For status modifications, click on the Specific Description and use the check mark to activate or deactivate then click Save Routine Outcome Measure

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