Adding New Diagnosis Codes to Codes & Metrics

Adding New Diagnosis Codes to Codes & Metrics

Step 1: Navigate to Account Settings - Codes & Metrics.

Step 2: Select the Diagnosis tab on the right-hand side. Then, choose +Add New Diagnosis.

Step 3: Select the type of diagnosis from the dropdown or create a new type by clicking (New).

Step 4: Add the code, modifier (if required), and a description in the appropriate fields.

Please note: the code and the modifier should be in separate fields. 
The code is generally a letter followed by a two (or three) digit number (e.g., F90)
The modifier is the number that appears after the decimal point (e.g., .2)
EXAMPLE: To create the diagnosis code for F90.2, you would enter F90 in the Code field and 2 in the modifier field. DO NOT include the decimal point in the modifier field. 
You can reference the ICD-10 Database to determine the appropriate codes, modifiers, and descriptions. 

Step 5: Select Create Diagnosis

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