Customizing Interventions

Customizing Interventions

STEP 1: Navigate to the CODES & METRICS tab within the Account Settings section.

STEP 2: Review list of global Interventions and activate any of the ones already in the account or add additional ones as needed.

      Within the Codes & Metrics tab, click on the Interventions header.

      Review the list of global Interventions.

   For any that you would like to activate or add to, click on the "Edit Intervention" button. 

   By clicking the "Active" button next to each desired intervention, you'll be able to use them within the session notes. Within this screen, you can also make edits to the pre-populated text or add additional interventions down below by pressing +Add Additional Intervention

Once you have activated the necessary interventions, these should populate on the session note. However, if you do not see them on a specific note, you will be able to add them by clicking on the + button within the note’s interventions section (example below). 

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