How to Send a Controlled Substance Prescription (DoseSpot)

How to Send a Controlled Substance Prescription (DoseSpot)

This article provides instructions on how to send a controlled substance prescription. The process is the same as writing a normal prescription but with a few additional steps.


1. To begin, click on the Add Prescription button.


2. Select the prescription type: Medication, Supply or Compound. 

3. Next, type the prescription name in the search box and find the specific form you will need (tablet, liquid, etc).

4. Select the necessary strength.


5. Select the Pharmacy (see article Pharmacy Search for more info)

6. Fill in the following pharmacy information:

          • Select a DEA Number.
          • Choose the effective date. This will be the day the patient can pick up the prescription.

          • Add directions, dispense amount, how many refills will be allowed and the days’ supply. 

          • To add pharmacy notes, click the + next to Show Pharmacy Notes. You can select from the list of provided 'common notes' or enter custom notes as needed. 

          • Select No Substitutions IF you do not want the pharmacy to look for other options such as generic versions of the selected drug. 

          • Choose whether or not the prescription is Urgent or not. 

          •  If this is a commonly used prescription, you can select Save As Favorite. This will make it easier to select the same prescription later.

7. Click Save Prescription. The medication will be added to your Pending Medications list.

8. Once in your Pending Medications, you can review the medication before sending. when ready, select the medication from the list and click Approve and Send.

9. You will be prompted to review the controlled substance details again. After verifying the information, select the Ready to Sign checkbox. 

      10. To send the controlled substance, you will be asked to provide your PIN Number and complete the DUO Two-Factor Authentication.
  1. If you have a PIN already set, the system will ask for your PIN for all medications. The PIN is a four-digit passcode set by the provider. 
      • For the DUO Authentication, you have the option to enter the 6-digit code from the DUO Mobile App or receive a push notification.

      11. After clicking Sign & Send, your prescription will be moved to your Active Medications where you can monitor its status. If you click the status symbol you can see a timeline of the       medication being sent.  

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