You’ll now be able to include specific text within the text/email reminders based on the facility/room assigned to the appointment — ensuring that telehealth clients receive your telehealth information and in person clients know which office location ...
In addition to your clients being able to enroll in text or email reminders within their client portals, you can also turn on text reminders manually for your clients within their client profiles. Step 1: Navigate to the client's Contact Info tab ...
Quickly add and view administrative notes within your client appointments to provide more context or to include important reminders. Step 1: Create an appointment on the calendar and select add under Admin Notes:. Step 2: A rich text field will ...
Step 1: Navigate to Account Settings Step 2: Click Edit on the Practice Settings option Step 3: Navigate to the Default Tab and check the box for Enable Appointment Reminders/Days Before Step 4: Click on the Information tab located next to Enable ...
You can create cohorts within MBP to automatically send packets on a schedule of your choosing. This is great for sending intake packets at the time of creating a client -- OR -- to send out routine outcome measures or satisfaction surveys. Step 1: ...