Setting Up Automatic Monthly Superbills

Setting Up Automatic Monthly Superbills

You can choose to have the system automatically generate and send monthly superbills to all clients with billed appointments for the previous month. 

Step 1: Navigate to the Account Settings

Step 2: Click the Edit button on the Practice Settings bucket

Step 3: Click on the Invoices tab on the left-hand side. 

Step 4: Check the box next to "Auto-generate previous month's superbills on the..." and select the date on which you'd like the system to automatically create the superbills for your clients. 

  1. The three options are on the 1st of the month, 3rd of the month, and 15th of the month. 
  2. The system will generate the superbill for all appointments in the previous month (e.g., a superbill generated on the 1st, 3rd, or 15th of May will list all billed appointments from April).

Step 5: The system will auto-generate the monthly superbill for any clients with billed appointments. They will also receive an email notifying them that they have a new monthly statement in their client portal. 

The click here button will direct them to login to the portal to view the generated superbill within the Documents tab. 

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