Switching to My Best Practice (EMAIL TEMPLATE)
Switching to My Best Practice
PRACTICE NAME is in the process of migrating to a new electronic medical record (EMR) platform called My Best Practice. This transition will help us to continue providing excellent service to our clients, and we hope the new client portal features will improve your overall client experience as well.
As part of the migration, we will be setting each of you up with client portals within the My Best Practice system. Once you have received the enrollment invitation, please follow the instructions to finish activating your portal. Within your portal, you will have access to the following features: setting up appointment reminders via text; generating invoices/superbills as often as you'd like; completing surveys sent by your clinician; and securely sending/receiving messages and documents with your clinician.
We are doing our best to make this transition as seamless as possible for our clients, but we greatly appreciate your patience and understanding in advance as we navigate the migration to My Best Practice. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please feel free to reach out to me or any of the PRACTICE NAME team.
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