Sending Surveys/Packets to Client
In order to send surveys/packets, you'll first want to create them by following the instructions here: Designing Custom Surveys/Packets You can also send any of our free Global Surveys. Step 1: Navigate to the Surveys tab within the desired client’s ...
Writing a Session Note
Step 1: Once you have added the appointment to the calendar, click on the appointment to open the chart. Step 2: Then, select Add Note to open the session note.
How to Create a Treatment Plan
Step 1: Navigate to the client’s appointment and select Add Note. Step 2: Open the Diagnosis tab. Then, select Treatment Plan. Here you can select a type of treatment plan, add dates, and select Save. Select New Plan to create a new treatment plan. ...
How to Send a Non-Controlled Substance Prescription (DoseSpot)
This article provides instructions on how to write non-controlled substance prescription. First, navigate to the client's prescription tab within their chart. 1. To begin, click on the Add Prescription button. 2. Select the prescription type: ...
How to Send a Controlled Substance Prescription (DoseSpot)
This article provides instructions on how to send a controlled substance prescription. The process is the same as writing a normal prescription but with a few additional steps. 1. To begin, click on the Add Prescription button. 2. Select the ...
Adding Metrics to a Client Chart
Step 1: Navigate to the client’s Metrics tab within their chart. Then, select + Add Routine Outcome Measure. Step 2: Choose the ROM you would like to chart. Then, add the date of the ROM. The value will go in the last box. Step 3: Now, you can view ...
Teleheath: Video Conference Fix Tips
1) Reload your browser. 2) Try Incognito or Private mode - if you have browser extensions, like ad blockers, they can block your camera and microphone. 3) Quit your browser. Don't just close. QUIT and reopen. 4) Try another browser (Chrome, Safari or ...
Telehealth Start - Finish
Navigate to Account Settings ➡️ Staff & Users ➡️ Professionals - select the name of the professional you want to enroll/unenroll in telehealth. Check the Enroll in Telehealth box. This will populate other telehealth-related boxes. Telehealth Display ...
Using the Auto-Text Buttons for Session Notes
Professional Counter-Sign for Completed Surveys
Step 1: Create a Survey by following the instructions here: Designing Custom Surveys Step 2: Click on the survey you've created, and then go to Advanced Options. This section will provide you with additional choices and settings to customize your ...
Downloading a Single Session Note
There are 2 ways to download a single session note. From Individual Session Note: Step 1: After scheduling an appointment, access the details by clicking on the appointment, then proceed by selecting the 'Add Note' option. Step 2: Click on in the ...
How to Paste a Previous Session Note
This action is applicable only when there is an existing note from a previous session. Step 1: After scheduling an appointment, access the details by clicking on the appointment, then proceed by selecting the 'Add Note' option. Step 2: Click on ...
Exporting All Clinical Data and Notes
Step 1: Navigate to Search Clients then input the name of the desired client Step 2: A dialog box will appear allowing you to access the client page by clicking Go to Client Page Step 3: Click on the Events tab on the left-hand side then click Step ...
List of Global Surveys
Here's a list of the global surveys pre-populated in your MBP account. These are either found on the public domain or MBP has sought the necessary permissions from the authors to integrate their protocols into our EHR. These global surveys will ...
Writing a Group Note
Guide for setting up groups can be found here: Creating Client Groups Once you have created a client group within your account settings and scheduled a group appointment, you'll be able to utilize our group notes feature. STEP 1: Click on the Group ...
Sending Surveys/Packets to Clients
In order to send surveys/packets, you'll first want to create them by following the instructions here: Designing Custom Surveys/Packets You can also send any of our free Global Surveys. Navigate to the “Surveys” tab within the desired client’s ...
List of Available Note Templates
The following is a list of all note templates currently available for use. Session Note Templates · CBT Note fields o Today’s Agenda o Homework Compliance o Notes o Symptoms o Interventions o New Homework o Next Session’s Agenda ...
Adding Diagnosis Codes
STEP 1: Navigate to the “Diagnosis” tab within the desired client’s profile STEP 2: Under the Treatment Methods heading, click on the Select Diagnosis Code drop down Begin typing the code/description in the search bar If the diagnosis is not ...