Onboarding Resources
Utilizing the Import Center
Importing Your Data into MBP After entering your card information and selecting the appropriate migration package, you're now ready to upload your client import data into your My Best Practice account. Step 1: Log-in to My best Practice, then go to ...
Selecting a Migration Package
Selecting a Migration Package Step 1: Login to your MBP account, and click "Add a Payment Method Now" Step 2: Go to Account Settings within the Settings dropdown. Step 3: Click the Import Center tab on the left-hand side and select the migration ...
How-To Export ALL Client Data from Simple Practice
Exporting Full Client Data Zip File Step 1: Log in to your Simple Practice account. Step 2: Click the Settings tab and then click Data Export Step 3: Click on the blue Export Client Data button and select "All clients in the practice" Step 4: Then, ...
BAA, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policies
When you sign up for a free trial with MBP, you are prompted to read over our BAA, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policies. By checking the box and signing up for a free trial, you are agreeing to the terms set forth in these documents. You can find ...
Importing Clients from CSV File
If you don't have an EHR or if your EHR does not provide the information in one of our accepted formats, you can utilize our Self-Import tool. STEP 1: Navigate to the Import Center within Account Settings and click import STEP 2: Click on the ...
Self-Migration Guide (Setting Up Your Account)
To begin your self-migration, please use the following guide. Step 1: Enter a payment method for your subscription. **Your card will not be charged until your 14-day free trial period has ended. Step 2: Export all of your data from your previous EHR ...
Getting Ready for MBP's Data Import
MBP understands that migrating from another EHR can be daunting, but this guide will walk you through each step to make it as seamless as possible. Step 1: Follow the instructions from your current EHR to export all of your client data. You can find ...
Client Import Template
Please complete the attached client import template. For HIPAA-compliance purposes, once it has been filled out, please upload it to the Shared Practice Drive within your MBP account: Uploading to Shared Practice Drive
Bulk-Inviting Clients to Portal
You can easily invite all of your clients to the client portal at any time through our Import Center. The system will run a report on all clients with email addresses entered who have yet to be invited to the portal, so you can use this feature ...
Submitting Application for E-Payments
You must have an active subscription with My Best Practice in order to utilize our third-party card processor, PaySimple. If you are going to be using My Best Practice to collect e-payments from your clients, you will need to submit an application to ...