Creating Client or Staff Groups
STEP 1: Navigate to the GROUPS tab within the Account Settings section.
STEP 3: Complete the fields within theName & Description tab.
Select Client or Staff Group
Client groups = groups consisting of clients
- Staff groups = groups consisting of staff
- Group Name→ This will be the name that staff see when viewing the list of existing treatment groups and when scheduling group sessions.
- Clients will not be able to see this group name
- Group Description→ This will be the description seen by users when viewing the list of existing treatment groups.
STEP 4: Add clients to the treatment group.
To add clients to the group, click on the Clients tab.
You can add clients by either searching for them in the search bar on the left-hand side OR you can use the dropdown to manually select from your list of active clients.
- Upon clicking on the desired client, a black check mark will appear next to their name (allowing you to select multiple clients to add to the group at once).
- Once you have selected the clients you would like to add, press the Add button.
- The selected clients will populate in an alphabetical list below.
- To remove a client from a group, simply press the “Remove” button on the right-hand side.
- For groups with many clients, you can use the search bar on the right-hand side to search for clients who have already been added to the group.
STEP 5 (OPTIONAL): Adjust the service fee for specific clients.
- If there are group members who will be responsible for a different fee than the rest of the group, you can click on the "Services" button to enter the proper CPT code and the associated service fee for that specific client.
- If the fee is going to be the same for all members of the group, you can skip this step. You will enter the standard fee for all members of the group when scheduling the group session.
STEP 6: Assign at least one professional to the group.
If only one person is going to be working with this group, simply select only their name from the dropdown.
If multiple staff will be working with the group, you can select them all from the dropdown.
- These selected staff will have access to scheduling with the group and all group appointments will appear on their schedule.
- If there is a "group leader," we recommend assigning the appointment to that person when entering the appointments on the calendar.
- The professional assigned to the appointment on the calendar will be the professional whose name and credentials are listed on the superbills for those group sessions.
STEP 7: Schedule your group!
You can now select this group from the client dropdown list when adding a new appointment to the calendar. Groups will be listed at the very bottom of the list.
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