Writing a Group Note

Writing a Group Note

Guide for setting up groups can be found here: Creating Client Groups
Once you have created a client group within your account settings and scheduled a group appointment, you'll be able to utilize our group notes feature. 

STEP 1: Click on the Group Session within your calendar. 

  1. These will be differentiated from individual clients by a dashed outline around the appointment. 

STEP 2: Take attendance for the group. 

  1. Here, you will denote who actually attended the group session for that date. This is also where you can make adjustments to the specific amounts owed by individuals within the group. 
  2. If you mark the client as missed for the appointment, you can choose to either charge them for the originally entered fee or you can adjust it to $0 or whatever is appropriate for your practice. 

STEP 3: Press Submit to generate the appropriate group and individual notes for the session. 

  1. By submitting attendance, you'll see that individual note tabs are also created for all clients who were indicated as being present. 

STEP 4: You can now write one group note, which will be transposed onto every present clients' session note for that session. 

  1. From within the group note, you can also assign homework for the entire group to be see in their individual client portals. 

STEP 5 (OPTIONAL): Write supplementary individual notes for specific members of the group. 

  1. If you click into an individual's tab for that session, you can write a supplementary note specific only to them or assign homework assignments that can only be seen within their individual client portal. 

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